Double room is most favorite room, provides maximum privacy and comfort. The room has its own bathroom with toilet, sink and shower. The room has LCD TV with 50 canals, Wifi nonstop internet, fridge and kettle.

The room is hotel type. The price includes bed linen and cleaning. Towels are available on request for extra charge.



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Double room is most favorite room, provides maximum privacy and comfort. The room has its own bathroom with toilet, sink and shower. The room has LCD TV with 50 canalsWifi nonstop internet, fridge and kettle.

The room is hotel type. The price includes bed linen and cleaning. Towels are available on request for extra charge.

LCD TV can be connected to a computer or a game console also supports movie playback from a USB stick. 

Room can be booked by individual guest.

If there is no free double room you can book triple or quadriple room occupied by two people for the same price as double room.


Book Room with private Bathroom