Attic double room with shared bathroom is useful to individual travelers, because in this room extra charge for unoccupied bed is not necessary to pay. The room has LCD TV with 50 canals, Wifi nonstop internet, fridge and kettle.
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Attic double room with shared bathroom is useful to individual travelers, because in this room extra charge for unoccupied bed is not necessary to pay. The room has LCD TV with 50 canals, Wifi nonstop internet, fridge and kettle.
In the attic are two double rooms that share one bathroom. Mostly the rooms are occupied by individuals, bathroom use only two guests.
LCD TV can be connected to a computer or a game console also supports movie playback from a USB stick.
The room is especially suitable for individuals or students who prefer privacy in the room while looking for cheap accommodation. Hostel has only two such rooms, therefore they are often unavailable. We recommend to book it early!